Dawson's 1st birthday celebration was filled with many first experiences!

We spent Friday with Gran, Aunt K and Zoey in Clarksville looking at houses for Krystal and Jason to buy. On the way home, we stopped at McDonald's, where Dawson had his first Happy Meal and ice cream cone!

"If I don't come back down in about 10 minutes, come get me, ok?"

Me and my little explorer...

On Saturday, the whole family arrived to celebrate and help eat this adorable creation! Rachel made Dawson's birthday cake...that's a wee froggy on top!

She made chocolate cake with vanilla icing...it was yummo!

Presents, presents and more presents...

Rachel even made a little personal cake for Dawson that he could destroy/eat all by himself...

...which he thoroughly enjoyed doing!

"Do I have something on my face?"

After cake, a bath, a nap and a quick load of laundry, Dawson and Zoey were ready to play at Gran and Papa's gift...an activity table! They both love sitting at it to "read" books and play.

Dawson had a fun time opening his gifts. He got all kinds of things from clothes to toys to art supplies...

....a soccer ball from Uncle Brandon...

...toddler crayons and markers...

...and even a drill from Great-Grandpa Claude!

This birthday boy had a blast!
EDIT: No, that isn't snot on David's shirt. It's cake icing. He was bascially one giant napkin.
Looks like had a special day and weekend!
And boy, did he love that cake or what? That was too cute.
Glad it was special.
Love those pics you sent me! Too funny! Little man looks like he's off to a rip-roarin' start on this birthday thing! Did you cry? I did, like a big weenie!
It looks like a WONDERFUL birthday celebration!!!! I still cant beleive he is 1 already! And... how HUGE does Z look in those pictures, I can't get over how FAST she is growing!!!!
What a wonderful and perfect first birthday ;)!!! I love the picture with the cake all over his face...classic ;). Time has certainly flown but I know you are cherishing each moment.
Ok..those pictures with the icing face are priceless!!! He has gotten soooo big!! Happy First Birthday to that sweet boy!
Oh, I just LOVE those pictures!! What a great party and I am so glad you included one with Dawson with Rachel's creation all over his face!
Happy Birthday, Dawson!
Hi Lauren!
I come to you through Kim W., I have been watching your little man grow for a few months now. My little girl is 8mo. old today so I have been keeping up with Dawson's accomplishments and checking back month by month to see what he was doing when he was KB's age!
Glad you all had a great party! I love the cake face picture...priceless!
I stumbled on your blog through reading Amanda Ledfords one day. What a beautiful family.
Your son is adorable and you look absolutly gorgeous! I am glad that you are so happy and doing so well. I live in nepal. I have been serving God here in kathmandu for the past 17 months. i loved getting to see your family.. and will keep looking on here for your pictures. I will be praying for your brother also. Blessings
Jenn Hand
I am INCREDIBLY sad! I just got my calendar out to transfer b-days from my old calendar. You know....so I don't miss any. Uh-hem! I CANNOT believe I am over a week late. Man, I'm a loser! :)
Happy Birthday, Dawson! I love you and think you are so handsome and wonderful. I can't wait to see you again and give you a great big squeeze!
Those cakes are amazing!
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