Friday, June 25, 2010

Coming Up for Air

It's officially been more than a month since I've updated this little log-o'-life.

A month.

And you know? I hadn't even noticed.

Meagan told me a story this week about how life is what happens when we're planning for the next big thing, and I think she's right.

The past weeks have been filled with changes.

This little man officially graduated from Mom's Day out:

After the program during which he sang "Wheels on the Bus" and "Jesus Loves Me", we had a little reception. Dawson loved his teacher, Mrs. Carmen, and is even spending two days a week with her this summer.

He is learning so many things so quickly - he can sing most of his ABC's, count to 12 without help, identify shapes and asks hilarious questions like, "Mama, what you doing??" and says stuff like "Hi, honey!" and "Good job, Mama, good job! Proud of you!!" He loves to "pway cars", slide, play with Play-Dough, puzzles and blocks. He's just amazing to me.

What's also amazing to me is the legacy my family has left for me. My late grandfather, Benny, was honored at Silverdale Baptist Church by having a scholarship fund established in his name. Our family and his long-time work family at East Brainerd Lumber Company founded it. The scholarship will be given every year to a deserving high school graduate at that church. My Papaw was funny, cool and generous; he called me "his little sweetheart" and instilled in me a love of Vols football, Krispy Kreme donuts, Krystals, swimming, train rides, Chinese checkers, Cadillacs, hard work and the smell of lumber.
Let's see. My grandfather has a scholarship named after him. My dad has a football field in his name. I wonder if anything will be named for me? Here are some ideas:
1) The Diet Coke aisle at any local Kroger.
2) The cosmetics section at Target.
3) Any New York and Co. store.
4) The clearance section at Gymboree. (Small, but it exists).
5) The Fudge Round/Swiss Cake Roll aisles at the Little Debbie Thrift Store.
Someone else who's also amazing to me is my littlest brother, Brandon. He graduated from Baylor School in Chattanooga, and we're really proud of all he accomplished there. I actually attended Grandparent's Day there with him (I was told I was one hot grandma! Word!), and by going to his classes with him, I learned:
- why surgical scrubs are aqua
- how the next Dalai Llama is found
- why calculus really is completely useless.

My parents hosted a graduation party for him after the ceremony, and Dawson, Zoey and the rest of us had a blast.

Dawson kept trying to blow out the tiki torches...
...and found sheer bliss in the chocolate icing on the cupcakes.

My ever-creative mother had a bouncy at the party, and the kids loved it.

Uncle Brandon and some of his cousins, niece and nephew.

We also celebrated Jason's birthday, Zoey's birthday and Father's Day in one day...

Zoey loved her cupcakes, and we decorated for two parties. One end of the table was camo for J:

The other end was Disney princess for Zo-Zo:

Dawson decorated his face with some icing. Again.

Speaking of princesses, Zoey is quite the little girly-girl (yay!) and is hilarious. The older she gets, the more she looks like my mom, and the more she acts like a combo of me and J. I LOVE IT!!!
 What I don't love is saying good-bye for an extended amount of time to my brothers. Brandon left yesterday to officially become a cadet at the Airforce Academy.
Huge honor? Check.
Big-time scholarship money given? Check.
Congressional recommendation given? Check.
No see him til THANKSGIVING? Check.
Xanax? Double-check.
Jason leaves for Afghanistan at the end of July.
Lauren leaves for Worriers Anonymous stat.
Just kidding. (?)

On the flip side, I have plenty of work to occupy my mind. More people are buying homes since mortgage rates are low and the tax credit was extended, so that's good. I also have 43 rental houses to lease between the second week of June and the first week of September. Red Bull, I shall invest in ye.

To leave you with a laugh, consider this:

That's right, ladies and gents. AQUA subway tile. Smashing.



Lauren said...

Oh, how I have missed you, Lauren!!!

So much going on in your life and Dawson has grown so much since the last time I saw him. I really hope I get to hug your neck sometime again VERY VERY SOON!!!!!

Praying for your brother and you must be soooo proud of him!!!

Loved all the pictures!!!!

Shana said...

LOVED the post!!! You look lovely, Dawson is such a cutie.... glad you are so busy... in the RE biz, that is awesome!!!

Allyson said...

Dawson is so big! When is he going to be a big brother??? :)

My family goes to Silverdale Baptist Church! I'll have to tell them that's your grandfather!

Jess said...

Oh, it's so good to hear from you!!!

Dawson is getting so big.... such a handsome little man. It seems like you've been up to great things..... Thanks for sharing!

Meagan said...

:-) I LOVE when you post.... don't be so long next time! lol (Just kidding... sort of). I can't wait until Thursday!!! LOVE YOU!

P.S. Thanks for making me get wattery eyes reading about Benny. He's still missed.

Sarah said...

busy busy! Congrats to your family! It was great seeing you at Couch's! And I don't know if you were making fun of it or not, but I like the Aqua bathroom!

Megan L Hutchings said...

You have suck a gift for writing...I just love your posts!

Your family is amazing and in my opinion you are the greatest of them all! I can only imagine your mix of emotions as your brothers leave. Lots of prayers!!!

Can't wait until Thursday!